We have so much to be thankful for this year! Lat year half of our family was sick at Thanksgiving and the other half celebrated with another foreign family in town. This year, we are so thankful for all the wonderful friends God has given us and wanted to celebrate with our "family" away from family. This is the crew we had over for lunch. We had such a wonderful day! I loved being able to share what the holiday was about and we made all kinds of American food for them to eat. It was a first for all of them...including eating turkey!

Here is one of the tables of half eaten food (I had one before everyone dug in, but I accidentally deleted ALL of my pictures, so the ones I have came from the different people that were there with us). We fixed turkey, gravy, roasted potatoes, carrots, rolls, mashed potatoes, broccoli casserole, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole,corn, cranberry sauce, macaroni and cheese, pumpkin pie, sugar cookies, brownies, apple squares, lemonade, and COLD SWEET TEA! I was telling one of my teachers the list of what we were having, and he said it was not enough food. He was not kidding either. He said that I needed to fix rice :) Everyone enjoyed the food and went back for seconds!

This little boy always loves telling me what English he learned in school. He talks a mile a minute, so I sometimes have trouble understanding him in both languages. He learns all kinds of rhymes and songs. He is wearing his school uniform. His mom had to go get him from school since it was a lunch. This is uniform for ALL kids here. They vary slightly in the color of blue and the scarf disappears for the high schoolers.

Enjoying talking and eating

Lauren and Nai Nai...Lauren likes to go over to her house sometimes to eat. She knows that they will feed her whatever she wants and treat her like a little princess :)

One of the highschool girls picking up Regan for a picture in front of the Christmas tree (and yes, we set it up early because we knew what the rest of our weekends looked like and wanted to get to enjoy it some) We explained to our friends that normally you do not decorate until after Thanksgiving.

Another thing we were so thankful for was to get to see our little girl make a special commitment this week. She actually became a Sister earlier, but has a fear of water getting in her face. She decided to face her fears. It was a special time for all of us to give thanks and celebrate with her.

We are also so thankful for all the family and friends who have been so generous to us over this past year. We have been so blessed by your thoughts, emails, and packages. The kids got to open some early Christmas presents this weekend. We made them wait until after Thanksgiving. Lauren got a little zoo lego set. She and Regan played together for quite a while. Lauren really loves her big sister!

My sister sent me some white cheddar popcorn...you can clearly see that I DID share a LITTLE :)

All the kids got to open a very special gift...they got a Wii !! Benjamin couldn't stop jumping around, laughing, and saying, "We got a Wii. It's a Wii..., etc." Regan was in shock and just stared at it for what seemd like hours. The younger two had a blast just opening it, but Katherine has quickly learned how fun it can be :)

Katherine got this ADORABLE cooking hat, apron, and gloves. I just couldn't stand it! She was too cute! Cooking is her most favorite thing to do! She immediately asked if she could make cookies.

my little chef

This was her first time to get to put anything in the oven. She was so excited and so careful! :)

You may remember a LONG time ago I took pictures of the girls. Well, I finally got to take Benjamin's picture!

We are so thankful for each and every one of you! We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!