So, I apologize for missing the blog last week, but we had visitors...Granddad and Mammy came for a week! It was so much fun to be able to show them around a little and also celebrate Lauren's 3rd birthday. I think they had fun, but I also think they were looking forward to returning to the American lifestyle :) I know the kids loved having them here and making lots of memories. I have tons of photos and could not really choose what to put on here. If you would like to see more details of all the fun we had, you can see my other pics on facebook.

Lauren cracked me up at her little party. She got so embarressed that we were singing to her. She hid her face and would not blow out her candles. We were afraid the cake would catch fire (not really) and she finally said that she would blow them out if Daddy held her hand. Jonathan did most of the blowing out of the candles.

This was Lauren's big gift...her very own bike! She was definately ready for one. She is FAST! She rides it all over the place. She even got to ride it at night right after she opened it. She was just too excited.

I really like this picture, too. Lauren had gotten a badmitten racket for her birthday as well. She wsa just taking a little break in Granddad's lap.

What do you know...a picture of me and Jonathan. We all went ot the zoo for some fun. It was quite the adventure getting there, but we eventually made it and had fun seeing and feeding the animals.

This was too funny. Everytime Kahterine would wave to the elephants this one waved back! She would just giggle and wave again.

I think feeding the giraffes is one of our favorite parts of the zoo. Lauren wanted to be just liek the big kids and feed them herself. I was quite impressed that she got one of the giraffes' attention.

As you can see, they all had a great time.

This is one of my favorites....Katherine racing back and forth with the pacing tiger.

We still went to the high school for a play date. It had been a while since we had been able to get Regan over their to play with the girls and we thought it would be agood opportunity for Granddad and Mammy to see the inside of a high school here.

This is alsways Katherine's favorite part...burying herself in the sand.

The grandkids were able to get Granddad and Mammy into costumes for pictures :) Dad didn't want too many of these to make the blog, but it was between this one and the one of him laying on a stretcher in a doctor's office...I guess a little too much excitement and change all at once ;)

Two of my beautiful princesses

Me and Dad...and no I didn't dress up (someone had to take the pictures)

Several of our good friends took us out to eat while they were here.

And yes, Granddad even tried a chicken foot! We were all so proud :)

And of course, my little ones just loved the chicken feet.

We made a trip to Hong Kong. We took a differnt route to get there this time, so I got to see a few parts of HK that I have not seen before. The shipping dock area was quite a site.

It was a little windy, but no rain. We tried to see as much as we could in one day.

Benjamin got to open his birthday presents early from Granddad and Mammy. He got new roller blades and some Tennessee stuff! He was one happy boy!

Loving being outside!

This was Lauren's "real" birthday after everyone had left. We couldn't let her not have some kind of desert on her birthday.

We also got a wedding invitation from one of my best friends and roommates from college, Carrie Falconnier. The kids were so excited that they were invited to the wedding! I informed them that I would be "attending" (watching online) at 4:00am and they would be sleeping. Benjamin was not happy...he said it was not fair that I was the only one that got to watch because she invited ALL of us. :) We'll see. Lauren was super excited about her wedding coloring pages.

Regan got this adorable giraffe shirt, too.
So, that was the last 2 weeks in the smallest nutshell I could make up. We did so much and had so much to talk about that there just isn't enough space to put it all on here.