It has turned out to be a very good birthday weekend. Jonathan managed to surprise me with flowers. I thought that he bought them this way, but apparently he went outside looking for rocks to put in the vase then washed them and voila....beautiful bouquet!

My mom came to visit for my birthday. We went out to eat at Applebee's, and it was fabulous. The kids seemed to enjoy it as well. We don't really think about trying to get ALL of us in the same picture much anymore, but we thought this would be a good opportunity. Some friends here even baked a cake and cookies and we celebrated by watching a movie after the kiddos went to bed.

Here we managed to get all the kids with grandmommy.

We played our new favorite game (UNO)...I'm not sure who won the first game, but the second game went on FOREVER. We finally had to break for lunch. I made the executive decision to start a new game another time because Katherine needed a nap. Apparently, Benjamin did as well because he fell asleep in a tent that he built. While they were napping Mom, Regan, and I went to a store to spend some bday money. I got some music to take overseas and a few other things.

This was the other highlight of our week. Yep, we got a package from the Doty's! The kids were beside themselves (mommy and daddy had fun with it, too) We opened it quickly, and have been enjoying the goodies inside. The favorite item is pictured below. I'm not sure what you call them, but we refer to them as the shooter things.

And today marks Lauren's 11 month birthday. No, we don't actually celebrate. I just have to get my picture of her sitting on the couch for my scrapbook. I like to see how much they change that first year. Benjamin is helping with some props for a picture. He's a good big brother.

Here's the "official" picture. Her shirt says it all..."my heart belongs to daddy"