So, I see this picture and I realize how grown up my little girl is looking. We do not dress up much here, but Regan still finds at least one day a week to wear one of her dresses.

There are some cultural things that I am still not used to...this is one of them. I just can't imagine putting my sheets or towels or clothes on top of the bushes to let them dry. I guess it works, but I prefer letting mine hang from our balcony :)

I'm glad my camera was close, so that I could catch this snapshot. Sometimes we call Lauren a little scavenger because she will say "all done" ALL the time at meals and will have eaten NOTHING. Then, she will go around to everyone else's plates and eat their food (the same food that was originally on her plate) I would have never let my other kids do that, but she has gotten a little spoiled here. She has picked up this habit over here because househelpers here follow the kids aroung feeding them their lunch after lunch is over. I guess if I could play and have someone put food in my mouth for me I might do the same thing (haha) :)

We found another market this week. I was amazed that there was an entire street for bananas, one for oranges, one for sugar cane, etc.

This guy was making some "bread" on the street. We bought some and it is the closest thing to naan we have found. If you are not familiar with naan then it's kind of like pita bread (though really not at all). He puts the "pancake/bread" on the cooker, flips it over so that the other side is facing the fire, then takes it off and bags it up for you. It actually seems quite simple. We may buy some next time we fix chicken tikka. yummm.

This is the little bike shop we go to on a regular basis. We bought one of our bikes from them and the seats for the children here. The family lives and works here.

Needless to say, we tend to draw some attention when we ride as a family somewhere. Jonathan, Lauren, and Benjamin are usually in front, then Regan on her bike, then me with Katherine on the back. On this particular trip, I heard people saying, "OH! Two kids! No, Three! Oh! There's another one! Four Kids!" Then you would here "Four kids!" repeated down the line of people. I thought it was comical, but even more so on the way back home. We went back the same way we had come, and the people were waiting...they were lined downed the street waving at us. I wanted to take a picture of us in the street during all of this, but decided it was not the safest thing to try and do with all the traffic and all the kids. :)

Katherine has decided that she wants to ride like the other kids do, so Regan agreed and rode home from the playground with Katherine hanging onto the back. It's not the easiest thing to do to ride with someone on the back, so I was quite impressed that Regan made it all the way home this way.

Katherine had her first field trip at school and I got to go. We played many games together and had lots of fun. This was us eating our lunch on the grass. In case you are wondering, that is a sticker on my forehead and I got to wear it ALL day. All of the kids got to put one on their mommy for being good :)

This was her favorite part of the trip. The park that we went to had a huge ball pit to play in. Lots of fun!