One, funny thing happened that I did NOT catch on camera. We were crossing the busy street (I like to say "playing frogger") when this guy comes running up to Jonathan. I finished crossing the street with the kids but Jonathan got stopped IN THE MIDDLE of the street. What for? The guy wanted to take a picture. We were thinking that he wanted a picture of the kids (that is most typical) but no, he takes a picture of himself standing next to Jonathan with all kinds of motorcycles honking and going by on either side. If only I had known...I would have been ready to snap a picture of the craziest moment ever. It was definately a first.
It was very hot, so it was no problem to sit down when we found this shaded bench. We went and got drinks for everyone and felt a little relief from the heat.
This is another form of transprotation that we do not see in our current city. The kids wanted to go for a ride, so we asked the man if he would just ride around for a few minutes and then bring us back to where we got on. This did not make sense to any of them...why would we pay to go nowhere? This guy finally agreed and took us down the street and back. The kids enjoyed it.
As soon as he got back, he had round two. I think it was probably the easiest money he had made all day :)
I was so proud of my little girl. She has decided that she wants to try to use chopsticks. I thought she did pretty good for being a two year old.
She also had a plate full of squid. She and Regan both liked it a lot.
Also, another common thing to see, especially in the summer, is all types of things the keep the sun away from them. So, in this picture, the little boy in the back has an umbrella and wearing pants (in super hot weather). The mom has a sun hat, and long sleeves, and "oven mitts" on her bike. Sometimes they just have these sleeve covers that they will put on the lower half of their arm. Those covers are used in the summer to keep the sun off of them and in the winter to keep their jacket sleeves clean.
Some friends of ours went to the beach and sent the kids some shirts and things. The kids loved seeing their shirts change colors out in the sun and they had lots of fun with the finger paint.
Regan was very particular wear she wanted her fingers to paint while the others just enjoyed making some impressionist pictures :)