Sunday, March 2, 2014

New Routines and a Little Fun

 This was a great treat for our youngest.  She got to have her very own Skype time with her best friend, Bryan.  They were cute to watch.  Besides all the giggles and silly faces, I think my favorite part was when Bryan showed Lauren his teddy bear named Lauren.  She went to get her doll to show him and he disappeared from the screen.  He said he couldn't look at anything girly :)  so she went to get her favorite seahorse.
 Benjamin reached 100 books!!!  Great job!!  The reward was 100 tokens at an arcade.  He was the luckiest kid I have ever seen.  He kept wanting to play these impossible games where you spend a token trying to get jackpot but end up with nothing.  Well, he now thinks I am crazy for telling him not to waste all his coins on those things.  On several different games, he got jackpot FIVE times and 100 tickets THREE times and I lost count of the other big numbers!  He also won a stuffed animal on a game.  I am glad he had fun with his reward.  He worked hard for it.
 The girls got to join in the fun, too.  They each got seven tokens and then had to use their own money if they wanted anymore.  They decided that they would put their tickets together so that they could get a better prize at the end.  Although, I am about to go crazy with all the noise from the two whistles that the little girls got.
 We found a tutor this week for the kids!!  Hooray!  The original plan was to have someone come to the house to tutor them in the local language, but she thought it would be a good idea to try her place instead.  It was a perfect idea!
 The kids had such fun learning and made new friends!  I am excited about this new opportunity.  We have been looking for ways to get the older two with kids their age since they are not going to public school this semester.
 I had a birthday!  It was a great day filled with surprises!  These were the flowers from my son!
 We ate pizza for my birthday lunch.  It wasn't nearly as good as America, but it was still good.  It just doesn't seem like a birthday without pizza ;)
 I am soooo glad that we squeezed a cake mix into our "bring back from America" pile.  I have been wanting to cook it for a month now!  It tasted so good...and I claimed the last piece.
Finally, a card from Benjamin.  It has a dog on the front (perfect from my dog lover) and the inside says "Happy Birthday from me and my dog- I signed the card and my dog licked the envelope!"  My girls burst out laughing and then Benjamin says, "Doggy Bones really did lick the envelope!  I took it in there and he licked it for me!"  :)  Love my family!