Katherine and I went to the mall. Now temperatures are taken on your wrist instead of your forehead AND you have to register to enter. To register, you scan a QR code. It tracks all the places you have "visited" and accesses your GPS locations so they know if you have left the city.
Grace and the guinea pig racing to eat the carrots ;)
Playing one of our new favorite games (somehow these pictures got loaded in reverse order, so I'll explain later in the post)
Benjamin and I went out for a haircut. We were only allowed to enter after they checked our travel history, temps, and signatures. One cool thing is that when you get a haircut is is customary to be given a glass a hot water or tea. Since everyone is being more careful, we were given free bottles of water.
We also had to keep the masks on the whole time. That felt a little strange during the hair washing part ;)
Here's sweet Gracie. I was trying to get her picture, but she wouldn't get off my shoulder, so this was the best I could get.
We've been enjoying lots of family games in the evenings :)
The girls just hangin out on the top bunk :)
My NCIS buddies...we've been watching an episode as often as possible...at night after the others have gone to bed ;) Sometimes their mother just may or may not make it through the episode without falling asleep.
Two of the girls were able to meet KK for her birthday....trying to play duck duck goose as spread out as possible :)
Lauren was BEYOND excited that she got to hold the baby and take care of him for two hours.
Happy birthday, KK!
A special treat :)
The kids have been taking turns playing gin rummy.
More cards...Hudson is still learning the do's and don'ts to the game...but he's getting it. His hardest part is holding the cards. He usually fans them the wrong way and then he can't see any of the numbers. I have to close my eyes, fan his cards out, and hand it back to him so he can keep playing.Lauren and I went a walk...just the two of us.
Real quick for the picture!
I love this one :)
We've seen the lighthouse many times from a distance, but have never made it over there to see in person.
So, one of my friends from America asked for our address because she wanted to send a care package. She sent it back in January and it just now got here, but the timing was PERFECT! They called me and said I had a package that I needed to sign for. I was blown away by all the fun treats inside.

I have to admit that the card was one of my favorite things...especially this part of the card! "Cough Cough" "NO NO NO" :)

A box of masks (MUCH APPRECIATED) and the best game....Virus! Who knew! It's really fun and educational at the same time. Fun for all ages. I just might be a little biased because I like medical things, but all the kids love it. The goal is to build a healthy body to win. There's medicine cards, and virus cards, and trade bodies cards, organ thief cards, etc. My kids have named all of the different virus cards.
This is the super excited crew over this box of goodies....it was a fiesta themed box with stuff to make tacos, candy, a piñata, chips, and games. Thank you so much! It came at a time when we were needing a little levity in our life :)

Even the dogs got a treat! They were so excited!
(Oh, and notice the dog's got a haircut)
We had tacos and wore our little sombreros. :)Happy Tacos
Here's the little piñata...All the kids took whacks at it. I'm on the other end of the stick looking terrified that either I'll get hit with the stick or the TV will. I insisted on NO BLINDFOLDS!!! ;)
Here's what the package delivery looks like every day. They are trying to put them in groups by the building so that it's easier to find yours. I expect that they will start letting delivery guys in complexes in the next few weeks.
Katherine and Benjamin comparing their super long fingers!!
Jonathan and I went on a shopping date!! :) Yes, the sign on the window beside Jonathan says that the taxi will not let you in without wearing your mask properly.We took the taxi out to Sam's to see what we could find (the selection is very asian, so don't picture a US Sam's...but we still enjoy going because it's one of the few places we can get a big thing of milk)
We are starting to see more and more kids out with their parents.
He's just too cute. He likes his haircut, but some days he gets a little cold ;)
Family movie night
The beach opened back up!!
Yes, those are my feet. I knew something felt strange when I walked out the door. The kids thought it was hilarious that I put on two different shoes.
GRACE IS BACK!!!!!!!!! Happiness!!
Getting some "fresh" air :)
The kids and I went to see if the island was open yet (we love to walk around the island) It was still closed, but McD's was open...two ice cream cones and a thing of fries.
The workers are fever free :)
still not allowed to sit inside
The beautiful flowers right at the entrance to the island...at least we could enjoy these. There were TONS of butterflies. You can see a black and blue one on the left side of this picture.
We could see all the cars trying to come to the island. They have to wait in line for each person to get their temperature checked...but still can't go to the island yet.
Lots of these white butterflies (bottom right of picture)
Out for some exercise and fresh air
My kids teaching little Naomi how to climb a tree :)
I'm a sucker for the little babies in these masks. They are so cute.
I guess it's a good time to go fishing :)