Sunday, October 11, 2020

First Day of School Pictures 2020 (late post)


First Day of school pictures! TWO in high school AND two in middle school and ONE in elementary 
11th grade in America 
10th grade in America...he was thrilled that I made him hold up his fingers :)
7th grade in America 
6th grade
4th grade
And we have to have one picture with the teacher :)
First day...all are hard at work! Benjamin is doing online with NorthStar Academy
I'm teaching Hudson, but he was so excited that part of his science this year was listening and reading at the same time. He's been begging to do school on the computer.
Regan working on her NorthStar classes
Lauren has two classes on NorthStar this year, English and Chinese
Katherine has one online class
Katie and Josh stopped by for a visit to catch up. We enjoyed some Chinese takeout together :)
Regan drew this for my Aunt Jan
Katherine drew this for Aunt Jan. 

Jan was thrilled with her artwork!