Well, we really don't have a whole lot to talk about over the last 2 weeks except school. Benjamin caught Covid and our entire family has been quarantined to the house (and Benjamin quarantined to his room) Regan had to make a model of a synapse...so glad that Hudson had plenty of art supplies for big sister to use!
Because the boys share a room and we were trying hard to keep anyone else from catching it, Hudson got to sleep on a blow up mattress in the living room. The dogs thought it was fabulous and took over his bed during th d ay!
Pardon the mess...Lauren stacked some boxes on the fireplace so the computer was at the right height, moved the piano/keyboard off the stand and had makeshift dance class via Zoom. The piano stand was her dance bar. It's definitely not ideal, but at least she still got to join virtually and didn't have to miss out entirely.
Auntie Em had seen us the week before so she also had to quarantine for a bit just to make sure. After her quarantine and negative test results, she brought by some mail and Krispy Kreme Donuts for some stir crazy kiddos. The kids loved seeing her and wished it wasn't so cold so they could talk longer from across the yard, but ya know...
I had no idea they had mini donuts! How cute!
Katherine with the mini chocolate chip cookie dough flavor
Hudson trying the rasperry cheescake flavor and half of a birthday one
Lauren and Regan spitting the cookie dough and the lemon one.
The package that came was one that some of our friends sent to us from our east asia home! The kids were excited to see what little memories were inside. Katherine found her fish family.
We dropped some donuts off to the sick one in his room . Actually he was feeling sooooo much better!! But you can still tell that he is not quite himself yet.
Our friend found this book among our many....this was my request. Benjamin never really liked books, but he loved this one. He asked me to read it to him EVERY DAY for YEARS! I know I could have just ordered another one, but this one was well loved. There were so many books that we would have loved to keep, but it just wasn't possible. Thank you to my friends for finding this needle in a haystack!
They also managed to find Katherine's art book with all of her drawings from her art classes. This was a representation of her little sister Lauren ;)
Well, both got a little spoiled in quarantine. Scout thought that he was supposed to sleep with Hudson and Hudson LOVED it!! We let him sleep there until we went to bed.
And well...this is what Katherine did in her quarantine!! She made a quilt top of trees! She hopes to finish it after she buys more fabric for the back.
And this is what you do when the weather man calls for snow all day and the rest of the country seemingly gets tons and you get none....playdough snow man
This is what I found when walking though one morning. Shadow apparently thinks he is human and is waiting patiently for some.
It looks so good....please feed me!! :)