Saturday, August 17, 2024

June 2024

Me and My sister
Benjamin's Graduation cap and gown photos in America (he's doing this for his mama and because I said he will look back one day and wish he had)
At Aunt Jan's house learning some family history :)

We were able to visit Washington D.C. in our whirlwind stateside. It was just for a day, but we tried to see as much as we could. Of course the White House was on our list to see. We didn't know that a Pro Palestinian protest was gathering. We got there early but by the end of the day there were thousands. Happy we were able to get a quick glimpse
The Washington know you have lived in Rome a while when you think "Why is there and obelisk in America?" haha
Lunch from a food truck and eating in the shade
Walking to the Aviation Museum...we passed so pretty buildings and flowers...we never got to go in to the aviation one because you had to book a time slot

The Capitol Building

We walked A LOT due to several protests that basically shut the transportation system down. So we headed in to the NAtural History Museum for some AC and bathrooms and looked around for a bit.
We could hear and see this protest coming

Vietnam Memorial

Lincoln Memorial

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Arlington Cemetery
WE drove part way back to Knoxville then crashed at a hotel for the night. The next day we had Cracker Barrel on our drive back.
Not a trip to Knoxville without visiting the Mast General Store
Hudson found his truck ;)
Benjamin was on the news!!
He was talking about the trade school that he is doing.
Driving herself home from physical therapy
Well, we say a sign for Bucee's and thought...we have to know what everyone keeps talking about. So now we have been.
Met my brother and sister and family in Gatlinburg for a couple nights. What a wonderful time! I'm so glad they were able to travel up to see us.
Grace and Katherine had matching water bottles!
walking in town
the kids

Ok, these fritters were sooo good!
Grace adn Hudson
We went to the aquarium, too! I didn't know they had a homeschool discount! It made it to where we could afford it!

a little indoor putt-putt

And the boys wanted to end the trip with a visit to the Knife store
Benjamin bought a car!!!

Target trip with Emily and Mamaw
Happy Father's Day 
Grandmommy came to visit us so we celebrated her birthday early

Pelican's SnoCones

Emily arranged for an evening playing TopGolf. It was so much fun!!

Friends of Mamaw came to visit for a day...and we all loved on this cutie!
Especially Hudson

Grandmommy and her sister Jan
a little family Disney basically need to be on a team with Benjamin to win ;)
My favorite meal...Wasabis

Look at all of that food!!!

Cruze Ice cream

Jonathan with Emily and his mom

We had free ice cream at the UT Creamery
Saying goodbye already...too fast

WE were surprised at Granddad's...cousins, aunts and uncles came to say goodbye!
Ashley drove down from Nashville
He's definitely Granddad's dog
Michael and Granddad
The crew
Kelly, Kim, Dad, Michael
Paige...and Aunt Kim photo bombing :)

Drove down to Jackson to say hi/bye to Regan. We got a kick out of the girls representing three different universities...Union, William Carey, and Campbellsville. It will be interesting to see where the other two end up.
New swings on campus
Chic-fil-A breakfast
Some family fun before we leave...Putt-putt...we were the only ones to brave the heat
It was a really fun course, complete with nets to fish your balls out of the!
Regan said I looked like the course...demonstration required :)
Getting some shade
Jonathan cooked one of her favorites in her dorm...chicken pot pie

Oh, Regan had a GREAT time on her mission trip to South Africa. She can't wait to go back!
trying on sunglasses with Auntie Em
The three of us...doesn't happen all that often anymore
A snapshot from Top Golf

And we arrived back in Rome to this sweet face at the airport :)