Wednesday, February 26, 2025

February 2025

We had a farewell dinner at our house for the Chaos (back left couple) They will be leaving Rome at the end of the month.
Fun gelato in a cone
Chinese New Year looked much different this year. It poured!
It didn't stop is from getting some baozi before we went home to warm back up.
Lauren...year of the cow
Katherine...year of the pig
I really like this photo. It combines so much of Rome in one photo. The ancient arches, the graffiti, the ethnic diversity 
Look closely. The green parrot. Today I am a pigeon. haha
Rachel and I were off to receive some needed training to be able to offer counseling for people affected by grief and trauma and to learn about suicide prevention. It was a class put on by NOBTS in Scotland for a week. It was very good! The food was good, too ;)
Edinburgh Castle

Dolly the Sheep

Greyfriars Bobby

to keep people from grave robbing

We enjoyed walking around in the evenings just exploring what there was to see. It was cold and misty the entire time
I didn't know until someone told me, but this is the street where J.K. Rowling wrote the first Harry Potter book and many of the places in the book are inspired from real places in Edinburgh (like the castle is the inspiration for the school, etc)

You can't go to Scotland without one meal of fish and chips
Everyone in Italy that has been to the UK raves over this dessert. I figured it was time that I tried Toffee Sticky Pudding. Not at all what I was expecting, but good.

The bedroom under the staircase...
just pretty places
You can't be in Scotland without some bagpipes

I got back on Valentine's Day and had a nice clean house with some tulips waiting for me :)
Scout was like...NO. You will NOT leave again without ME! I'm packing myself.
Katherine made all of us some Valentine's desserts....strawberry cheesecakes and chocolate covered strawberries
I was playing around with some settings on my phone and got this picture of Shadow. Isn't he adorable
Regan had 3 pieces in an art exhibit in Jackson...these two on the left
and this huge one right here :) I really enjoy seeing her work!