This was a little get together with my Bible study group. What a fun group of ladies from literally all over the world.
Stopped by Stella's apartment to drop off a Christmas gift
Yep, stuck in an elevator for an hour waiting to be rescued. I know better than to let 4 in. Usually, I won't get in with more than 3, but we were not really paying attention. It hit me as the doors were closing and then it was too late.
I love the kids' youth group!
Hudson got a fish tank for Christmas and he got to set it up himself...he chose some Roman ruins with a rock and treehouse
Katherine got this Lego Lighthouse for Christmas. She's been wanting it since we moved here. It's an Itlay exclusive. She had a lot of fun building it.
Learning some new kitchen skills
He said making fried chicken is his favorite
The kids were at a camp in France over New year's so it was just the adults for our NYEve celebration. We decided to each try a new recipe to share as part of the fun. We ended up with some cheesecake, spinach pastry puffs, Philly cheesesteak wraps, and a chocolate mousse pie....and of course GAMES! Lots of games.
I love that they sent up an out door iceskating rink every winter by our house. We went early in the morning while kids were still in school and had the place to our selvesfor most of the time.
Hudson wanted to try Ruthie's ride along helper.
Benjamin sent me this photo. He was on cloud 9 getting to see some wolves
Regan went to a conference in Kentucky where there were about 5,000 college students...she ran into two friends from China! How fun is that?!
The president of the university commissioned Regan to pain a picture of Union. It's so pretty!
What?! How can this be? I have a 21 year old!
Silas and Ruthie came over for some Christmas fun while their parents went out.
making Christmas ornaments
Silas is always fascinated with the ball maze. He's getting pretty good at it. He makes it further each time.
We went to a late night showing of Wicked.
We needed a selfie afterwards. We didn't get home until 1am
last selfie with braces :)
Katherine came with me to the Ladies Christmas dinner at a local church
Hello ladies
walking back to the metro after dinner
Cute baby Leon
Katherine made a fall wreath for our door
woohoo! a package!
The girls joined me at a craft event
school project....up cycling
We had Kevin's family over for tacos
our little 3's-6's Sunday school just keeps growing :)
Please! Can I open just one?
Nona made us a traditional Italian treat for Christmas
Katherine and Silas
Family and friends get together (Jonathan took the selfie because he doesn't trust himself on ice)
Christmas cookie baking begins!
Hudson went to get a bubble tea because they had a special holiday edition. It's so cute!
Lauren had a week of us getting to come to her dance classes to see what they are learning. It was fun
Yasmine, her ballet teacher
Food for TCK youth night Christmas party
a round of spoons using candy canes
secret santa gift exchange
months ago I bought tickets to go see the Nutcracker. I look every year because it's something I really want to see. I found tickets and splurged...
...we arrived to an orchestra performance of the Nutcracker :) Truthfully, we didn't mind. We still want to see the ballet, but this was the best performance I have seen. It was so much fun, and I would not have just randomly chosen to buy the tickets otherwise.
So, we had a fun night listening to to the Nutcracker conducted by this guy.
breakfast with Patricia
Hudson had a Christmas piano recital
selfies with Aunt Kelly :)
Lois and Dorcas
Selfie by some of the decorations
the big tree outside of RBC
the view of the tree from the window (as we wait for kids to arrive for the afternoon SS)
The Christmas service at GuoYu Tang was packed. I have not seen it this full at this location. Lots of fun
Chinese Christmas dinner
Xing Xing
exchanging gifts....she got her favorite....Nutella....from BOTH siblings. They know her so well.
a nutcracker that looks liek Scout
He's been wanting his own hair dryer so Lauren got him one
A cute Rome snow globe for her collection
socks from Mamaw (and money but he didn't see that at first so he got tickled)
Jonathan and the kids got me this super soft and warm blanket. I have slept soooo good with it this winter
new scarf and umbrella for Jonathan
and an exercise mat that he has been wanting
Lauren made me this little toboggan (with a Lindt chocolate inside) yummmm
Katherine made me a miniature nativity ornament with her quilling paper.
the puppies stocking
Christmas morning
I am ready to watch...the puppies liek my new blanket as well
Hudson got a fish tank. He's been asking for a while. We let him choose the stuff inside
a lightweight sport jacket
a flower book that she has been wanting
a lightweight jacket for Hudson
Lego Lighthouse
SOOOO much tea :)
breakfast/lunch? on Christmas day
family game of Oceanopoly. Hudson won
We had a few last minute things to pick up for Jonathan's birthday...but we forgot it's a national holiday. Nothing was open! So we had to make do with the ingredients we had.
Happy 44th!
Noir soap
our first time to use the Italian candles
We had another small game night so that all the kids could participate
Regan and Benjamin with Mamaw on Christmas
And they are off! Katherine, Lauren, and Hudson flew by themselves to France for a camp.
So, we were childless and decided to have breakfast together on our way home
3 of our SS kids performing in the afternoon service
our morning SS kids singing a song about how all the animals sing Hallelujah
The renovations on the courtyard are finally complete. We can actually see the church again as we walk by.
with Emily
Merry Christmas! The whole fam on the US side :)
Lunch at America Graffiti (free popcorn as an appetizer)
Cleaned up my side of the room. My SS supplies and such were out of control.
Official "Happy New Year 2025" photo :)