A weekend marriage seminar
Benjamin was so excited about the first snow. He called me as soon as it started and made that wall of snow on the left and was busy clearing the driveway.
Regan and her friends had lunch with Dr. Dub
Regan enjoying the first snow!
The kids were at youth so Jonathan and I tried a new place for dinner. YUM!
Hanging out on my bed
Yes, one of my favorite pics of Benjamin. He was so excited and I had to screenshot it :)
working with homemade playdough learning about created things and all that God made.
What?! Look at the difference!
We had many FaceTime calls this month! We have not talked "face to face" with Selina in years! It was so fun saying hi to her kids and catching up on all the ways He is working
When you ask your hubby to help mop the house...haha
What is it like living in Rome? modern fashion and nuns mixed walking down the streets and no one thinks a thing about it
First time I have seen mounted police here
beautiful sky
The girls enjoyed showing their friend Hannah around town. She and her dad were visiting for a few days
The line for the Vatican is super long now, but thankfully, it moves quickly!
The girls climbed the dome of St. Peter's while I waited at the bottom. I was needing a rest
Yep, inside the dome...pretty crazy
The view
a rainbow after a stormy day
Love that the sun finally came out
ending on some gelato
The next day we returned with ALL of our friends :) haha
eating pasta on the steps of our afternoon church location because it was POURING
I like this trying a new date night restaurant thing ;)
Hudson took a train up to see his friends in teh northern part of Italy. It was his first solo trip and he had a blast!
They drove to Switzerland then Germany for the weekend
We played a game of Risk
Benjamin's snow angel
Regan and Kai
Hudson exploring their little town. It was a foggy day but he loved the lake.