Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Back to School

WE started school officially back in September.  This year we have Regan (8th grade) doing all online school through NorthStar Academy, Benjamin (7th grade) doing a mixture of curriculum including Apologia Science through NorthStar Academy, Katherine (4th grade) mostly Abeka and supplementing with some pretty fun Evan Moore workbooks, Lauren (3rd grade) mostly Abeka with some other workbooks, and Hudson (1st grade) Abeka and some Critical Thinking books and Auditory Memory programs.  It's been a great start!
I don't know I was going to be in the first day of school picture :) ha!
The kids have started back in taekwondo.  All three are loving it!
Katherine has started back to soccer.  This was her last class in this location. New fields have been built!
The kids are all helping me color our Tennessee poster! I'll be sure to get a picture after we put it up.
Our first few weeks have been FULL of science experiments! The little girls planted beans, flowers, and cucumbers.  They were SO excited to see them sprout so quickly!
Benjamin had to use several different test groups to mummify an apple.
We have an edible cell (and yes, they actually remembered all the names and functions of everything)
Lauren's experiment on friction...ramps with bubble wrap, sandpaper, and aluminum foil.
Hudson's butterfly. We struggled at first with the concept of drawing a mirror image, but I think he did awesome for his first try!  He had to draw the right side of the butterfly and then color both sides. He was so proud of his work!
A holiday fell soon after we got back.  The three girls went to spend a few days at a friend's house and they went to a waterpark.
The kids and I went to Thailand.  Yummy ice-cream treats!
My breakfast date ;)
One more chance for ice-cream before returning home.
A lunch date with my friend!

Benjamin and Jonathan playing frisbee.
It is still HOT here.  I think ice-cream has been a theme we are again...eating ice-cream with Vanessa (one of Lauren's friends)
So, funny thing. These girls said "hello" to me when I was out in the city.  They had never talked to a foreigner before.  I was actually on my way to get Regan from taekwondo class and they followed me there.  They left and came back right at the end of class.  They said that there house was boring and their parent said they could come play with "all my kids" HAHA! They literally followed me an Regan home and played for hours....AND came back the next weekend :)
Can you spot Katherine? :)  The new soccer field is "not convenient because there is not a bus stop there" so the soccer league rented a charter bus to pick all the players up from the school.  So I walked Katherine to the school to wait with the other kids for the bus.