Monday, August 13, 2018


Regan took this picture one morning.  She and the girls got up before sunset because they wanted to take a hike with their Dad. This is not a bad start to any day :)
This is the view once they got to their destination.  It actually didn't take them too long to get there.  They love exploring the city.  I thought that if they left that early that the heat wouldn't be so bad, but it was HOT anyways!
The main reason they wanted to go was Regan was hoping to get some pictures for a photo contest for her online school.  There are many rules about what they are looking for in the picture, so we'll see what they think of her choice (I don't know what she has chosen and she has some more ideas, but these were a couple that I liked...I'm a little prejudice to the models in the picture)
I like her framing of this one.
Well, this is not for her photo contest, but I'm glad she captured her dad's victory in climbing the enormous rock! :)
Unbeknownst to us, a typhoon was on it's way so it was super windy trying to get this picture.  WE gave up on the other ideas temporarily because of crazy windy hair (Katherine had to hold mine out of the way of the camera)
 Hudson has started piano lessons!!  He LOVES them!  I even heard him singing do, rae, mi in the shower ;) His teacher is GREAT and loves teachings age.  She's teaching him some techniques early that will really help him.
 Lauren is taking a trial class for an ancient instrument called the guzheng.  She has been asking for years to study it, but we said Hudson gets piano first.  They were having a special where she could try out four classes for a really good price.  She loves it and enjoys the sound it makes.
 Xiao Jun and the girls came for a visit.  We made cake cookies and Benjamin jumped in the picture :)
 Yoyo thought Scout looked hot so she was fanning him.  He probably was...haircut pics coming up ;)
 We took them to our favorite non Chinese restaurant.  Indian Kitchen.
 The girls asked for chicken wings....they were huge....and a huge hit with the kids. We had to order more.
Sharing some mango lassi drinks (Winter, Kelly)
 (Xiao Jun, Yoyo)
cute picture of Lauren and Winter 
 This is me trying to get a selfie with two very hot dogs, in my lap, and trying not to let them get down in the very nice car ;)
 Aren't these pretty??  Don't worry, they are not ours.  We saw them when we dropped the dogs off for their haircuts.
 They (the dogs) were so happy to come home. They even followed commands on the first time when the girls wanted a picture with them :)
 Love these two.
 Scout just hangin out (literally) with Katherine :)
 The girls made tons of origami cranes.  They wanted to string them up and get a picture.

 I really just took this picture for reference.  These our the "old sidewalks" in our city.  I really kind like the look of these...but the new is coming for the entire city...
 I'm curious what the finished product will look like.  I think it will be nice, but will definitely change the look.
 I really don't remember the story behind this one :)

 The girls went swimming!
 Scout smiling (and Katherine, too)  :)
 So what do you do in a big city for fun when it's hot hot hot??  You do what everyone else does.  You go to stores and play with the merchandise ;)   Don't worry.  The store is set up for you to try out their products.
 WE even tried a few hats on ;)
 As we were leaving, there was a restaurant giving away free cotton candy!! YEAH!  We like FREE!
 These are the new trashcans popping up all over the place.  I kind like them :)
 We went to the beach around 5:00 one evening.
 If I would have known how nice the water was going to be, I would have let them wear swimsuits.  It's the nicest I have ever seen the beach/water here.
 We even had "waves"

 Playing a little beach Frisbee

 Haha! Two teenage boys kept walking by us repeatedly.  One finally got up the courage to ask me for a selfie, but I think it was a ploy to get one with Regan....they quickly ran over to her to Get individuals with her.  Hmmm :)
 She still loves handstands!  I can remember her doing them against the wall in our hallway with her doll when she was two!  She's a bot taller now ;)
 Katherine and Benjamin always love digging holes.

 Yoyo dug one, too.
 I went to tell the kids that were playing by the water that it was about time to go when I saw this.  I thought it was so funny!! Benjamin had buried himself in his deep hole, so he really couldn't escape the picture :)
 Walking home from the beach
 enjoying some popsicles and a movie
 The dogs enjoying the new haircuts and the extra attention
 The girls chasing after their friends who are headed home....their tradition.
 The reflection in the microwave cracks me up! Everyone was admiring the new microwave.  In the past two weeks, we had our washing machine break (We were able to get it repaired), microwave broke (beyond repair), and our dryer broke for the 3rd time this year (decided not to fix it again since it was 8 years old).  The microwave works well!!  IT heats up the food much better than the previous one.
 Katherine fell in love with this chair!  She is now saving her money to try and buy one for the balcony. It's going to take awhile...check out the price!  (local money not dollars) Maybe she will get lucky and it will go on sale for the winter.
 The sky when the storm is rolling in.
 Crazy windblown hair picture...Regan said that I was too old for selfies :(. Guess who's going to be getting more selfies with her momma :) haha!

 Scout is the cuddly dog...

 This is my friends baby, Joseph. He is getting so big!  I love his little smile!
 Our dryer arrived!!  I can't believe the difference between a dryer that works and the one we kept fixing over and over again!!
 Katherine asked if she could keep the box that the dryer came in for a few days.  Sure. Why not. Danger. Construction. Do not enter.
 She's enjoyed it.  Now she wants it to stay until October....ummm, no. Not that long :)
 I was excited to see pictures of my newest niece!  Meet Grace!  She's beautiful!
 Early morning selfie waiting for Skype to work
 Just make yourself at home, Scout.
 Katherine got an eye glasses to come.  Maybe this is why she's been having more headaches. She went from -1.00 to -2.00  She didn't know that thing shad gotten blurry until she saw good again.
 Hudson's eyes also change a little bit.  He has new glasses coming, too! I was a little nervous going into the exam because his eyes are so complicated, but this doctor was fantastic and patient and wanted to make sure that I knew that these prescriptions were correct.

The sky after the typhoon.  So pretty.