Monday, November 15, 2021

Happy 12th Birthday, Hudson!

It's your birthday!!!! Hudson got a card with money from Mamaw and Papaw, a present from Grandmommy, and opened his present from us. Actually, the present from us was also from his brother and sisters (but we didn't tell him that until he opened it or he would have known that we spent more than typical on his birthday present. We bought him an electric piano. It hasn't come in yet, so he just got a card with a picture of it.
Grandmommy got him a disco light. He LOVES it! He plays music and turns the disco light on ALL the time!
Baby Ruthie (and her family) came over to have birthday dinner with us! Hudson and Rachel (the mom) share a birthday. Hudson asked for Regan to fix Chinese food for him.
He was so excited to meet Ruthie for the first time! He said she was so small just like Bob.
He was beyond excited that he got to hold birthday present of the evening ;)
Celebrating birthdays with Chinese food
Katherine got to meet (and hold) Ruthie for the first time as well.
These two share a name...well sort of...the baby is Ruthie Mei and Lauren's Chinese name is Mei Mei
Big sister was patient and waited until last to hold her...but that meant she got a longer turn ;)
Katherine couldn't get enough! She was fascinated with her tiny little fingers :)
Katherine's homework. I'm glad that they do it in both languages!
Regan was TRYING to do homework, but Shadow was doing his best to stop her.
SPOILED ROTTEN! Scout knows that Diana will let him do anything he wants ;)
Scout rarely plays, so when he decided to take the huge empty water bottle and chase it under the couch, I will do my best to grab a picture of it. ANyone that knows Scout would not have believed all of the energy he had! HAHA!
Tuscan Chicken...always a favorite when Regan cooks. She said the spinach in the fridge would go bad if we didn't use it soon. So, she cooked dinner for us!
It's finally here! PARTY DAY!! Hudson wanted some of his friends to come over so badly, but his birthday falls on an Italian holiday. So, he had to wait until the following weekend. I'm so glad kids came! It made his day!
The kids were excited to have cupcakes. They had never decorated them before and Hudson just laughed and laughed about the insane amounts of icing that they put on the cupcakes! This little one is just getting started!!
Yes, that huge mound of chocolate fell out of the icing bag...and yes, she ate every bit of it!!! 
Party refreshments
celebrating on the balcony
Group photos
Gianmarco, Hudson, Riccardo, Ascanio, Luna, and Susan
WOW! A eGift card for Nintendo from one of his friends. (He had the entire thing spent in less than 24 hours)
Angelo and his sister, Christina, came a little late to the party. Scout likes Angelo (who is very shy)
"WHY is there cheddar on the pizza?'
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Italy themed ;)
Tanti Auguri! :)

His friends told him that he had to break a candle over his head and then throw it behind him. He just shrugged his shoulders and said ok :)

Hudson and Luna

Benjamin getting his ice cream after all the kids had left :)