Thursday, January 6, 2022

Dec 2021 - Friend Visits

I have really started to get to know these two ladies recently. They decided to cook Chinese one day for lunch and invited Regan and I to join. It was so so good! 
Megan came for a visit!! She and Hudson went out for coffee one morning :)
The kids were so excited about this visit! Megan was a college student in our city in EA for a semester. She came to our house often. She's had quite the career start already and is now getting her masters at Oxford in England. It's really funny that we have met her on two continents now, but never in the US.
The sun peak out just for a moment! What great photos!
Benjamin and Jonathan had already headed home by this point in our exploring. It was pretty chilly.
Regan is so good about getting selfies for us!
So, the pictures uploaded out of order, but it's ok. These are the homemade jaozi that Regan and I had for lunch.
Ummmm, no thank you. Please don't buy me a coffin for Christmas.
Loving the Christmas decorations
After a really late church service, we ahd some hungry kiddos (most of whom skipped breakfast and it was already 2:30) So we ate at McDonald's on the outside terrace. 
It's safe to say that tourists are back!
The streets were crowded, but we were enjoying looking at the decorations that had been put up for Christmas.
Hudson and i were out shopping for his secret person and saw this reindeer.
He's very pleased with his purchases (and already asking when we can open presents...he still has to wait)
I was walking home from dropping Lauren off at volleyball practice and passed this church. I just hadn't seen it before so I took a picture. i normally ride the metro, but I was in a hurry when leaving the house and forgot to grab my green pass (a QR code that proves that I have been vaccinated) It is now required to have that and a mask to ride the metro. I saw the police checking people getting on and new I needed to walk home. I can't afford the 400 euro fine! It was all good because i also passed a store with Christmas paper. Yeah!
I went to a ladies Christmas tea. The food and the fellowship were fantastic!
In case I haven't made my point about the dog being spoiled by my teacher! Regan took this during my class.
Shadow also gets spoiled ;)
So, Hudson has been sending me links to Christmas sweaters on Amazon to add to his Christmas list. He has been talking about them non stop. So, when I was out and saw this one on sale for a really good price, I had to get it for him. He was so happy and literally wore it 4 days straight :)
Breakfast with Megan
The other kids were in school so it was a tour day for the three of us. Regan and I enjoyed taking her around to the things she wanted to see.
Number one on her list was the Vatican.
Which means St. Peter's Basilica 
The Nativity scene was set up inside the church. It was really pretty, but scared me to death! I had no idea that the sheep were automated and were eating hay...they looked so real! You can't tell, but baby Jesus is not in the scene. Catholic tradition does not add baby Jesus until midnight on the 24th.
Since it was just me and Regan, we paid the 10 euros to go to the Dome with Megan. It was really pretty and you could see so much more detail up close.
The mosaics at the top
There was a service going on and we actually got to see the Pope.
We thought we were leaving the dome, but didn't realize that the ticket to the dome meant you could literally go to the tip top of the dome. So we started climbing the really narrow and at times sideways, stairs.
The walls are literally curving in.
But the view at the top was so worth it! A picture never captures it all. We cuold even see the snow capped mountains surrounding Rome.
Our little adventure together!
Leaving the dome was just as crazy! WE were all literally dizzy by the time we got to the bottom!
More proof about how narrow it was. I'm not sure i would want to do this climb in August with the heat and millions of tourists.
Grabbed some lunch...Rome style.
The line to get in at the the rain.
Yes, it's raining and the postcards are still outside. I guess the umbrella did it's job?
I was getting ready for bed and this crew is just talkign and laughing and telling stories. Love it.
Our family was invited out to eat...The food was ordered for assortment of meats and cheese
more tourists
Benjamin and I stayed at the bottom of the steps while the girls climbed the to the top...poor guy has another hurt toe.

Benjamin opted out of most touristy pictures :)
The Christmas tree outside of Rome Baptist
Trevi Fountain

Santa Claus is coming to town...

Jonathan and I had eaten here once. It was our recommendation for Megan to try the best food in Rome. The kids were excited to try it also.
The prefered dish by most...carbonara

Family pic in front of the Christmas tree by the Capital Building

And this is what happens after a long week at school and loads of weekend pass out on the dog bed.
Megan picked the kids up from school :)
The 3 most popular flavors of tiramisu at Pompi (classic, strawberry, and pistacchio)
Katherine hand made Christmas cards for each of her teachers. They are each unique and personalized. I'm sure they had to love them because I did!!
Lauren made this Christmas card for the cleaning lady that greets the kids at the door each morning. She was so excited to receive this card!
Now, that's what I call fresh eggs!
Katherine got her soccer uniform!!! She was so excited, and it looked so nice on her :)